Thursday 5 May 2011

My New Balgo Project of Blogging!! 5mths in the Desert

Things are pretty quiet in the desert at the moment so with inspiration from my new friend Steph (who writes an amazing blog on her time here in Balgo) i have decided to share Balgo with all my friends.  I have been in Balgo now for 5 months and it has been the most amazing experiences although i do miss my friends, family and most of all Beer! but it is an amazing place to live and there are some wicked people that I get to go on adventures with.

The past 2 months have been awesome!! epically when we got a visit from Bae!!! it was so good to have a person from home come up and see where we are living and what this little place is all about!!!  While bae was here we went camping to Mulan Lake!! which is just the most beautiful salt lake you will ever see in your life.

Camping was the best fun!! until we got back and discovered we had a few bug bites... then woke up the next morning and i had approximately 8700 bites all over my body... I went straight to the clinic and with out a diagnosis got a shot of Phenagon (our fav word for the week) and two days of work! which worked out great, as i got to spend more time with Bae and Dallas's foxtel!!! Bae left after a week and Adrian and Dallas headed off with her as well so after having a great group of people it was left with just me and Mindy and the rangers.

Aminda was the next to leave Balgo headed for the Kununarra Tavern and some good times!!

then it was time to say goodbye to the rangers, Lane, Anton, Tips, Kaea and baby tia left Balgo Easter Saturday never to return to Balgo. it was a sad day as you grow so close to everyone here they become your second family!! But we are all sure that we will be catching up with these amazing people again!!  They were the coolest people!! even if they were kiwis!! hahaha (had to get one stab in there)

Next was Easter and the school holidays!

Easter here was pretty boring, there was no Easter parade like back in Bendigo. It was school holidays so i decided that i would work all these days to get extra annual leave! Which at the time sounded like the best idea i had ever thought of. Over the Easter periods I went to more mass then i think i would have been to in the past 5 years but they are not like masses at home! they are totally full of action including singing, dancing, bon fires, jokes and of course dog fights. 

Good Friday the shop here was closed which is really the hub of the community. when the shop is closed it is difficult to find a single local person around. However we were determined to find some kids to make bush crosses for that nights mass. Steph, Henry and Ali (volunteers at the schoo) came with me as we tracked down around 6 kids to help us make them.  The end result was the kids painting there hands and having a boxing match! But we still got some amazing art work done and father john was pretty happy with us!

Over the rest of the school holidays i worked flat out as Dallas was away in Bali and it was just me to run all the holiday programs we did movies, arts craft, sport and community BBQ we also did a blue light disco that was heaps of fun!

My Favourite part of the holidays was going out to a river fishing with a group of the teenage girls. The spot that they took me to was so beautiful and we had a perfect hot day. It was such a good day it was hard to believe that i also get paid for doing this!!

After my day out at the river, my boss decided that i needed a break for the weekend and last Friday i trekked to Darwin, 2 planes and a car ride later i was in the big city of Darwin with a cold pure blonde in hand. I spent the weekend there and on Monday morning at 4am drove out to the airport to pick up the Bali two.... Dallas and Adrian!! with plenty of laughs on a drive back to the hotel with all of there amazing stories, it was back to sleep until we got picked up for our lift back to Balgo. We drove 10 hours from Darwin to Kununarra.. with some of the most beautiful mountains and rivers i have seen in my life. We also saw a lot of bird life including one hawk that just didn't get out the way of our land cruiser (RIP Hawk).  Arriving back to Balgo it was like we had never left but it was amazing to have the boys back.!!

This weekend we are planning to relax and i am hoping to con the boys into a bit of fishing, but with the footy on and them still trying to get over their Bali bellys i am not sure if this will happen!!

Hope you enjoyed my first blog... stay tuned for the next installment of the Balgo desert! I am thinking that the next blog will be a tour around Balgo, my house and the town!

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